Thursday, 25 October 2012

Spending Ban Update #3

Hi girls! It is that time again! Another month has gone by!

Why am I doing this ban you ask? Well check here and then also here for my first update and lastly here for my second!!

Well this month I was very good, up to a point. This month I put all my savings towards paying off the holiday and there still is a large bit to be paid off still, so I have up until December to get that paid. However I kind of lost my way a little, after taking too much out of my account, it left me with too little to pay my car off and insurance. I have now scraped it back, but it was quite a scary moment for me.

I also sorted out internet banking so that I know exactly how much is in my account any time I want, which will really help me. I should have got this sorted ages ago, so I really really recommend doing this as it lets you access your account and you can find out what comes out of it and when, letting you see exactly where your money is going. I feel silly not to have done this before, but now that I have it, I think it is great! Especially on a spending ban, you can see exactly how much you have saved!!

I feel like now I am sort of just starting again with my savings, but I'm ok with that because paying off the holiday is why I was saving and still is and obviously to be able to take lots of money with me! 

I have had two naughty moments this month and one was the Boots Haul, which was straight after I paid off most of the holiday, as I felt like I deserved a little treat! The other was buying myself a new bag, which I guess was a little naughty and for a while after I got it was thought of by me as a bad omen, for me not having any money! But that is over now and it really is a fab bag!!!

I was really proud of myself saving that large amount for my holiday and it felt great knowing that I could save it all up, makes me want to save a lot more!! I think the feeling of having saved up so much definitely out weighs not being able to buy what you want, when you don't really need it! If you are thinking of going on a spending ban for what ever reason, then I do really recommend it, because you feel really proud of yourself and thats a really good thing!! I still have three months to go, which seems like a long time, but I know that saving up ll my money to use when we are away in California will be amazing!! The only thing I still need to get under wraps is Robert and I's eating out obsession! It is really hard for us though as we do not have a kitchen of our own yet, but hopefully until we get our own, we can use the kitchen more in our parents houses to keep down the costs of eating out!! Wish me luck on the next half of my spending ban!! Hehe!

Are any of you girls on a spending ban? How are you getting on?

Love, Jen x


  1. Great post! I'm with Lloyds, and they said I can use Internet and mobile banking but I've never got round to setting up!



  2. Ahh well done on the ban! I think I might start a spending ban in time for Christmas so that in January I'll feel fine when I blow all of my money straight away! Good luck on the rest of your ban!xx

    1. Thank you :) hehe!! yea im worried I wont have any money left after buying presents!! i will need to keep on top of that one too :D oh and i wil;l be keeping myself away from the sales after!! hehe!!

      Jen xxx

  3. ahaha this is so awesome. i didn't know you had a spending ban until now. I WOULD CHEAT ALL THE TIME!!

    1. hehe!! yea i would love to cheat all the time, but then i would have no money sdaved :P lol!! Thanks for your comment lovely!

      Jen xxx


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